Packaging & shipping


  • Keep weight in mind

    Please pack a maximum of 30 kilograms per box, which is about 100 records.

  • Choose appropriate box

    The ideal box for 80 records measures 32 x 32 x 40 centimetres. We recommend not exceeding any of these dimensions by more than a few centimetres, because otherwise the excess space in the box can’t be reliably filled so that it stays rigid during transport.

  • Proper padding

    If there is still space in the box above or next to the records, fill this space completely with a material that is as bulky as possible. Bubble-wrap, old blankets, rolled-up cardboard and the like work very well. Crumpled newspaper, on the other hand, is not a good idea, it will be compressed by the weight of the records.

  • Reinforce corners

    To be on the safe side, add additional tape to the corners and edges of the box. Some boxes tend to tear at the corners.

Most common problem: lots of empty space

If your records don't quite fill the box, make sure they have plenty of padding. This can easily be done with other packing material - like this:

  • Folded or rolled cardboard pieces provide very good support.

  • Cut a piece of cardboard into approximately the right size to fill the empty space and fold / roll the cardboard.

  • Secure the cardboard piece with adhesive tape.

  • Distribute the pieces in the packing box so that all the empty space is filled and the records can't slide around inside.

  • Check whether the package can be closed and will maintain its shape during transport. Tape the package shut and you are done.

Other packaging examples rated

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